How MAZE Peer Supporters Work?
你想知道“Peer Supporters”的真正面目吗?
We support international students through empathetic listening, collaborative problem solving, and directing them to utilize helpful resources. This is done through peer support, and psycho-educational workshops, and many other creative activities.
MAZE Peer Mentors是谁?我们是一个立志于为所有需要帮助的留学生提供情感支持的团体,我们倾听他们的烦恼,给予他们鼓励和支持,陪伴他们解决问题,帮助他们合理利用周围资源,通过线上支持朋辈支持小组、心理知识技能讲座、和更多创意性活动,让他们摆脱烦恼,走出困境。 This all begins with our evidence-based training in peer education. In 24 hours over 8 weeks, you’ll walk away knowing active listening, problem solving, emotion management, communication strategies, and various online or local help resources . 成为peer supporters的第一步,是参与我们系统化的培训活动,通过8周24小时的学习,你将了解共情倾听、解决问题、情绪管理、沟通策略,集合丰富的线上线下资源。 These are skills that will help in your everyday personal relationships too! If you are interested in pursuing counseling as your career, these skills can help you get one step ahead. You can highlight your training with us and experience at the MAZE Peer Support Program when interviewing for jobs, applying to graduate schools, and building up your resume or LinkedIn profile. 培训中所培养的能力能帮助你处理人际关系,与此同时,如果你有兴趣从事心理咨询行业,这些能力可以帮助你向前迈进一大步。不管是在完善简历或领英个人资料,还是在工作面试、研究生申请过程中,本次培训经历将丰富你的履历,让你更具备竞争力! The training is delivered through online webinar that offers active interaction with our trainers who have years of practice experience in mental health. You can train from anywhere. If your campus does not currently have any multicultural peer support program, that is not bad. You can bring MAZE Peer Support to your campus and make it accessible for many more. 此次培训通过线上研讨会的方式进行,我们将邀请在心理健康方面有多年实践经验的培训导师,与大家积极互动。不管你身处何方,都能参与进来!如果你的学校还没有任何多元文化同伴支持计划,那也没关系,你可以将MAZE Peer Support带到你的校园,让更多的人可以在需要支持时得到帮助。 |
More Benefits to Becoming a Peer Supporter
成为peer supporter还有什么福利呢?
After being qualified via training, you will enter a 6-month internship to practice the knowledge and skills you've just learned and master them with directly providing your support to students in need. Not only you’ll be working with other interns who are passionate about psychology and helping others, but also you’ll be receiving guidance from practicing mental health professionals, such as therapists, social workers, psychologists, to learn from their direct clinical experience.
福利一:培训结束后,你将有机会进入6个月的实习期,实操练习并纯熟掌握刚学到的知识和技能,直接为有需要的留学生提供支持。你能和那些对心理学充满热情并愿意帮助他人的实习生一起并肩作战,结交更多志同道合的朋友,此外,你还有机会接受心理健康专业人士的指导,比如治疗师、社会工作者、心理学家,从他们的直接临床经验中得以学习。 You will be awarded with Certificate of Internship applauding your completion of the training and internship. You can be proud of helping many fellow students! You also stand a chance to receive our recommendation to job opportunities at your desired multicultural counseling service site or to your ideal counseling program. 福利二:在完成培训和实习后,你将被授予实习证书. 所以,为你能使用沟通技巧帮助他人而感到自豪吧!此外,你还有机会得到我们的推荐信,拿到到你心仪的多元文化咨询服务机构的工作机会和心理咨询硕士/社会工作等项目的Offer! But most of all, you’ll find support in the MAZE community. We connect, share, and grow together. 最重要的是,你会得到MAZE的关爱和支持,让我们一起相伴,一起分享,一起成长! |
Ready to become a peer
We accept applications on a rolling basis. We begin new training cohorts twice a year, in April and in October. Don’t wait to grab a seat! Our space is limited.
我们将分别在每年四月和十月开展两次培训,均接受申请。名额有限,千万别错过哦~ You will complete an application (click the button below to access the application form) and sign up for an interview. Other than that, just come ready with Internet access, a personal computer, and an eager heart to learn and serve. 要申请成为peer supporter,你必须年满18岁,填写申请(单击下方按钮访问报名表单)和通过面试。除此之外,你只需要一台笔记本电脑,保证网络通畅,并保持一颗渴望学习和热忱服务的心! |